The Soyemi Group (TSG) is a certified California SBE (#1792565), Los Angeles County CBE (#85512) and DBE certified. Founded in 2013, TSG helps businesses evaluate and improve the use of project management (PM) and management information systems (MIS) to solving business problems within their operations. Our services include project and scheduling controls, project estimating using work break-down structure and other reasonable tools, developing project plan, providing and managing project resources and providing inspection to ensure work conformance. TSG resources are experienced, well trained project managers (PMPs), systems analysts, business analysts, and information technology consultants capable of providing values that will bring positive difference within your organization.

We’re Here To Help Your Business Transform!!!
Through Creative Ideas, Innovation & Sheer Determination
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6185 Magnolia Ave, Ste. 209 Riverside, Ca 92506
Phone: 909-838-8614
Fax: 909-687-20-2029